Short BitterSweet Escape

Have you ever heard the new amusement park in Surabaya?
YEASHH!! It's Surabaya Carnival Night Market
so, me and friends went there a week ago

we're going there at 7p.m. and arrived at 8. We bought tickets and entered the Surabaya Carnival
first, my friend wanted to play shot the duck (i forget the exact name of this game :P)
here's the photo

after that we ride the marry-go-round, it was beautiful

 then we play the other games

we walked to the next area
we found an archer games (reminds me of clash of clans lols)

we play and ride so many games
until we try the tornado..
it was scary.. so scary.. very scary!!
they rotate, flip & tilt us (i swear this is the first and last time i play this game)
after you play this game, you'll have a headache and the worst is.. nausea
i'm not taking any picture after i play this game, because all i can feel is just a dizzy in my head

but before we play tornado, my friend took this picture of the other game & the face was so awkwardly funny

even if we're exhausted, we still walk until the end of Surabaya Carnival
the boys tried the ghost ship games, we ride the carnival games and see the lampions, ride a bike and see Surabaya Carnival from top & many more.

finally, it's 11:30p.m. and we must go home
we search for the art tricks museum and we just know if it placed near the exit door and it closed (very sad)

and for the last of this bittersweet little vacation, i'll give you the picture of the ferris wheel

wait for my next trip, thank you for reading & see yaa!


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