Styling The Basic Shirt

Girls often complain about their clothes, "there are never enough clothes to wear"
I think it describe how i feel before going somewhere too :p
So, sometimes i confused what i should wear this day? i want to look pretty but simple..

Today i'm going to talk about your basic shirt..
it can be transformed into stylish look..
how? it's easy, just grab your plain shirt (white or blue or black, it's up to you) and mix it with camisole or lace camisole or bralette with different color
for example, i grab my white plain shirt and i mix it with black camisole..
you can either mix baby pink shirt with black camisole or whatever
like inner: darker color, camisole: softer color

taking to the next level, you can pair your pattern shirt (like stripe/polkadots) with camisole too.. just make sure it looks good and not too much

this how i rock my white shirt

i personally like this style because i can wear my old clothes and mix it


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