My Skincare Secret

For me, taking care of your skin is the most important step. You can cover it with all the makeup you have, and it's still not as nice as beautiful skin.
So, how do I maintain my skin?
1. Drink plenty of water.
Water helps keep your body well hydrated, and don't forget.. almost every cell in your body needs water to function properly.
2. Eat healthy food.
Don't forget to eat vegetables, fruit, meat (protein), carb and milk too. (4 sehat 5 sempurna)
3. Good scrub.
So this is the secret behind my white skin. I always scrub my skin twice a week. Usually I use regular scrub that you can buy at supermarket, but now I'm choosing coffee scrub because:
- it exfoliate your dry and dead skin, to reveal new healthy looking skin underneath
- soothing. the natural ingredients and the smell of the coffee, perfect combination for "me time" companion
- caffeine benefit. caffeine helps tighten your skin, which can help reduce cellulite. and if you apply under and around your eyes, it will minimize the appearance of puffy eyes. caffeine also loaded with antioxidants, which help you to fight wrinkles, sun spots and fine lines.

How to use coffee scrub?
1. Clean your face or body.
2. Mix the scrub powder with warm water
3. Start scrubbing with the circular motion on the skin, and don't scrub too hard. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
4. Rinse it.
5. Use moisturizer for face and lotion for skin

That's all my secret for having white and flawless skin (well, I guess it's not a secret anymore :p)

you can get the scrub from instagram: @shopastelle

this is the video, enjoy!


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